Mогућности размјене за наше студенте на Филозофском факултету Универзитета Храдец Кралове – Чешка Република
јануар 16, 2023 2023-01-16 14:47Mогућности размјене за наше студенте на Филозофском факултету Универзитета Храдец Кралове – Чешка Република

Mогућности размјене за наше студенте на Филозофском факултету Универзитета Храдец Кралове – Чешка Република
У наставку се налазе информације о могућностима размјене за наше студенте на Филозофском факултету Универзитета Храдец Кралове – Чешка Република у зимском семестру академске 2023/24. године. Заинтересовани студенти се требају јавити Координатору за међународну сарадњу Факултета на мејл: manja.djuric@fpn.unibl.org кои ће их даље повезати са Канцеларијом за међународну и међууниверзитетску сарадњу Универзитета.
Dear partner,
I hope this message finds you well.
I would like to inform you that there is a call for exchange students
mobilities for winter semester 2023/2024 (second half of September 2023
– end of January 2024) at the Philosophical Faculty UHK, Czech Republic.
Please, remember that your university can nominate up to 2 students
(without a claim for scholarship) for a study stay in winter semester
2023/2024 at the Philosophical Faculty UHK. You can also find more
information about exchanges with all the necessary documents here [1].
Your students can find some basic information about faculty, university,
city of Hradec Králové, etc. here [2].
We will accept only students of following and closely related study
fields: Archaeology, Auxiliary Sciences of History and Archival Studies,
History, Philosophy, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology. We will
NOT accept students of other study fields. Also, we will accept only
students with minimal level of English of B1 (B1+ or B2 are
You can find a list of courses of Philosophical Faculty for academic
year 2022/2023 here [3]. We will create a new catalogue for academic
year 2023/2024 soon, it will appear on the same webpage. We will also
send it to you.
Please, note, that the deadline for nominations of your candidates is
28th February 2023. Please, send me the Excel table (you can find the
document here [4]) filled in with data of your students and their
passport copies until that date. Please, indicate if given student
is/isn´t a candidate for scholarship. No later nominations will be
accepted! Capacities for visa applications are very limited and it takes
time to students to obtain a date of visa application meeting at Czech
embassy/general consulate.
UHK provides the dormitory accommodation for all the international
incoming students (around 160 USD per one month of stay). Living costs
in Hradec Králové are low (ca. 350-550 USD/month including dormitory
accommodation). Students from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and
USA are coming to study at Philosophical Faculty UHK every term.
We recommend you and your students to check the stories of former
exchange students here [5].
The realization of the students mobilities will depend on the
epidemiological situation in the given period. Also, we would like to
point out that the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Hradec
Kralove shall not be responsible for the incurred costs in relation with
the preparation of given mobility.
Please, don´t hesitate to contact me in case of any questions. We will
be looking forward to your nominations.
Best regards,
Tomas Hercik
Tomáš Herčík
International Office
t / +420 493 332 908
University of Hradec Králové, Philosophical Faculty
Rokitanského 62, 500 03 Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
[5] https://www.uhk.cz/en/philosophical-faculty/exchanges/stories